dagboek > overzicht
Dagboek september 2017Bekiek hele maand 
1 september om 12:26
Golden Earring forever young, ok at je 60+ binne!

Terwyl un groat gedeelte fan Nederlaan um gisteravend sat te ergeren an de foetballers fan ut Nederlaans XI-tal ( ferlieze is noait nňflek, mar om dy jonges nou su af te seiken slaat ok nergens op!) ging ik helemaal út myn dak in un feesttent op ut straan fan Lemmer.

Manman wat hew ik genoaten fan de Golden Earring, daanse, fluite, klappe, kňrtom met folle teugen geniete fan myn favorite groep. Wňnderlek dat Barry Hay cs nňch altyd de spirit hewwe om der krapan anderhalf uur un feestje fan de maken.

Tuurlek binne ut ouwe lullen, mar se doën sich ok nyt anders foar. Ut binne de ouwe lullen fan 2017, dy’t nňch levenslustech binne, kleed in truien en festen bestegen se gisteravend ut poadium fan de feesttent. Hearlek om al dy klassikers dy’t se speulden, met foar mij op 1 un wňnderskoane Another 45 Miles to go!
Another 45 Miles

Here comes the night
A veil over the light
In the distance some shadows of the clouds in the sky
I gotta get home
to my child, my wife

Here comes the night
Gotta get back, gotta get me a ride
It looks like the road has swallowed me up
Gotta hurry home
don't dare look back,
Blue-ville is straight ahead

Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish that the sunlight was burning in my eyes
A set of shades, black faces in the sky

Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish I could pay the sun to run
That I had some more time for my wife, my son

Clouds in the sky
Gathering full of fight
Chasing the prating, it can't go on
I've met my paste
as my bride is waiting home

Here comes the night
I'm scared to death gotta get me a ride
It looks like the road has swallowed me up
Gotta hurry home
don't dare look back,
Blue-ville is straight ahead

Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish that the sunlight was burning in my eyes
A set of shades, black faces in the sky

Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish I could pay the sun to run
That I had some more time for my wife, my son

Another 45 miles to go
Another 45 miles before I'm home
I wish that the sunlight was burning in my eyes
A set of shades, black faces in the sky

En toen de boys ok nňch Johnny make believe der út knalden wist ik dat myn keuze om nyt foar de buis te sitten mar foar Lemmer te kiezen, de júste weest was.


Waitress, more wine
We celebrate, the life and times of Johnny Make Believe
He was the greatest liar, of all mankind
The biggest drunk, you ever saw alive
He was a devil, undisguised
He will be sorely missed tonight

And the next day, will never be the same
Without the beautyful Johnny Make Believe

So let’s get high, laugh till we cry
always remember, his last words:
“farewell cruel world, all you pretty girls,
don’t send me flowers, hold me in your dreams”
and then the spirit in the bottle
took our Johnny for a ride
Come on waitress, pour us more wine
to drown our grief, for Johnny Make Believe

He tattooed my heart, branded my soul
He said: “Go for true love, not for fool’s gold

La, la, la, la
la, la, la, la, la, etc., etc.

Apart om te siën dat der un soad leeftydsgenoaten fan mij stonnen te swingen ( brúke we dat woard nňch?) temidden fan jonges en meiden dy’t 40 jaar jonger binne. Kan ut noait late om oorferdovend op myn fingers te fluiten en ut ‘we want more’ te brullen. Ja, toen sagen dy twintegers mij wel even an, mar se lachten gelukkech.

Su lang ik kan, en ik hoop dat ut nňch heel lang is, sal ik de Golden Earring fňlge. Sal ik brulle en fluite. Ut sal noait ferandere. Trouwens fan wie sú ik dat mutte?! Golden Earring forever!

Op de foto hier boven,un foar mij onbekende generasygenoat ( skat ik su in…) dy’t ok krekt as ik foaran ston bij ut feestje gisteravend.